In your role, do you enjoy what you do and others
think you “have it all together,” but inside you experience self-doubt, overwhelm, and feel like you are never doing enough or not good enough....

Your resume is filled with accomplishments, a great job, and all the markers of success and you appear successful on the outside (and you have you so much to be proud of), but inside you just don't...

As a purposeful and empathic high-achiever and leader, you more than likely experience....

Imposter Syndrome

You worry you are not good enough, and imposter syndrome controls you from speaking up or demonstrating your value.


You're known for overthinking your decisions and seeking validation or approval from others before you take the first step.

Can't Say No

You feel guilty saying no and always the "yes" person, and find it hard to communicate boundaries and avoid people-pleasing.

Emotionally Reactivity

You feel emotionally reactive, and any negative criticism or challenges has you spiraling into all the negative "what-ifs."

Lack Tools and Skills

You want to feel inner-peace - but know you don't have the tools and skills to take you to the next level of your leadership.

Stress Spirals

Your stressful days at work are starting to have a trickle-down effect on the rest of your life. Your relationships, your physical health, and your sleep are all suffering from the anxiety you feel at work.

You are not alone in feeling this way. Empathic and Purposeful Leaders or "Empaths" - are ambitious, smart, driven, and sensitive leaders like you and me - often do. 

Emotional and Relational Intelligence and being a high-achiever creates high potential leaders and performers. But if not managed, this gift can also keep you feeling overwhelmed and in perpetual stress. This is where executive coaching and leadership development comes in. LEARN MORE

or maybe in your career you feel...


As you sit in meetings or answer endless emails, does something in you keep insisting you're meant to do more? That something is correct.

Can you relate to any of these statements?

Square-Peg Round Hole

As you sit in meetings watching others engage, you feel like a square peg in a round hole. Something doesn’t feel quite right, but you aren’t sure what it is.

Feeling Trapped

Commuting home from work, you ponder taking the leap into something you love… but you feel trapped by the self-imposed “golden handcuffs.”

Stuck and Confused

You crave growth, but every day feels like your perpetually lost and confused.

Should'ing Yourself

You suffer from a case of the “shoulds.” I “should” be happy in this role. I “should” follow my family’s/friend’s advice. I “should” suck it up until I retire … because everyone is this miserable, right?


You want to make a change - but you are like a deer in the headlights frozen by fear (and overwhelmed with where to start).

Bigger Purpose

In your gut, you know this isn’t meant to be your destiny… but you feel stuck trying to figure out what that destiny is.

Life does not have to feel this way.

You have a unique purpose one that is meant to serve the world and fill your days with meaning.. You were born to recognize that purpose ....but chances are you don't. Early in life, most of us learn to ignore our purpose and do random things that other people value.  This is where career coaching comes in to help you find your purpose. LEARN MORE

Now imagine our work together is complete...

  • As you wake up and reach for your phone to check your emails, you do so with excitement and not dread.
  • You are no longer living for the weekend. You live for each day.
  • You feel yourself growing and expanding and your creativity optimized.
  • You communicate effectively your boundaries and expectations creating more work-life balance and inner-peace.
  • You can’t wait to go to parties or reunions and share with friends and family your new line of work, because you take pride in it!
  • Time flies when you are doing work that you are passionate about. Five p.m. rolls around before you know it. Your values are in perfect alignment with the work you do. When you operate from a place that is an extension of who you are — your true nature — you feel fulfilled and are working with a sense of purpose.
  • You feel Passionate about what you do. Authentic. Free. Confident. and most of all Balanced.
Recognized as Top 15 Executive Coaches by Influencer Digest+ 2022

And, that's where I come in...

As a Certified Master-Level "Empathic" Executive Coach, my role is to help you discover your greatness before you can see it yourself and find the balance and calm that will allow you to get there...

Hi, I am Lisa Reyna, a certified executive coach, a career strategist, and a licensed psychotherapist that has helped purposeful, driven, and empathetic high-achievers and leaders design a career that they love and one where they thrive.

I understand the challenges of being a purposeful and a driven empathetic professional. I am one too. We just do things and feel things differently.

For over 20+ years, I have coached over 1000+ clients worldwide and from top Fortune 100 companies like Tesla, Facebook, Apple, Google, SpaceX, Exxon, Shell, Google, Lululemon, and so much more grounded by the latest research on neuroscience, positive psychology, leadership, and personal and professional development.  

My program is a solution-focused and evidence-based approach for sustainable and effective change focused on purpose, emotional and relational intelligence- with authenticity, empathy, and joy as a foundation.

As a Certified Coach, my job is to:
  • Address your inner and outer blocks so you can get out of paralysis and take action.
  • Help you develop a clear vision of the life you want to create and the career of your dreams.
  • Keep you accountable to stay on track.
  • Help you develop an actionable game plan to turn your vision into a reality.

You will obtain the skills and tools needed in our journey together. 

Feeling on purpose and reaching your full potential, is an inside job and it's time to take the first step... LEARN MORE ABOUT ME

Self-Guided Program
90-Minute Clarity Call
Group Coaching
1:1 Private Coaching

Lisa's coaching helped me make progress I couldn't have imagined. Her calm support, tenacious challenging and belief in me made me feel safe, yet courageous to go further and achieve more than I ever could have done on my own. Everyone could do with having Lisa on their side!

SamSenior HR Executive

Coaching with Lisa leaves you in awe of what you've discovered about yourself through her skillful mastery of holding you in a space that is completely authentic. Her deep insight and ability as a career coach takes you on a journey of great transformative personal growth. Lisa is exactly what I was looking for in a coach.

AnnDoctor, Speaker and Coach

Lisa is an excellent leadership coach – she's calm and collected, always making me feel at ease. She challenges my understanding of my ambitions and direction and has empowered me to find clarity and a plan for the future. I always leave sessions feeling more motivated and ready to make changes!


Lisa has keen insights in human personalities and business complexities, positioning her beautifully to coach both tactical and strategic individuals through professional and even sometimes personal challenges.

PeterIT Professional & Business Owner

Are you ready to learn more about how coaching will help you design a career of your dreams?

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